Search results for References by streich, j.
Fritz, J.; Hummel, J.; Streich, J.; Kienzle, E.; Clauss, M., 2013. Faecal particle size in captive rhinoceroses. Poster presentation at IZW Berlin


Hildebrandt, T.B.; Hermes, R.; Walzer, C.; Sos, E.; Molnar, V.; Mezosi, L.; Schnorrenberg, A.; Silinski, S.; Streich, J.; Schwarzenberger, F.; Goeritz, F., 2007. Artificial insemination in the anoestrous and the postpartum white rhinoceros using GnRH analogue to induce ovulation. Theriogenology 67: 1473-1484, figs. 1-4, tabs. 1-2
